5 Beautiful places in Valencia!

5 Beautiful places in Valencia!

Valencia is a beautiful city, with historic and modern buildings! We have a list of the 5 best places in Valencia you can visit:

Here you can find six buildings:  Oceanografic, L’Hemisferic, L’Umbracle, Museo de las Ciencias, Palau de les Arts and Agora. These buildings are incredible, and give you the ability to make some awesome pictures. If you like science, animals or art, then we definitely recommend this place. Book a ticket here!

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Mercado Central is a market located in Valencia’s old town. Here you can buy lot of fresh fish, fruit, meat and many other delicious types of food! Even if you don’t want to buy anything, it is a compulsory visit cause the building it’s really beautiful. The market is open from Monday until Saturday till 14:00.

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You will find this park just in front of our hostel. It is a very big park where you can walk, run or cycle. This park is 9-kilometer-long, full of amazing coloured flowers, nice fountains and bridges. You can walk through the park to reach multiple beautiful places in Valencia on this list! The River Hostel also offers free walking tours.

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If you use your fantasy, you could imagine this is the coloseum in Rome, at least it looks like it. This big building was build for the bullfighting and it was the biggest in Spain. You can look inside the arena, make pictures and visit the museum.

Imagen relacionada

Plaza Ayuntamiento is the main square of Valencia where you can find the city hall and the big post office with their famous ceilings. On this square, you can feel the “Mascletàs” in Las Fallas festival. Here you can find the Megastore from Valencia C.F.

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